General Medicine
General Medicine is a medical specialty dealing with the prevention, Diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases.
- The Department of medicine is one of the largest departments of the college providing excellent clinical skills to undergraduate students.
- The vision of department of medicine is tho train students to become doctors who have an astute clinical sense, requisite latest medical knowledge & clinical skills to serve medical needs of our society.
- The Department provides facilities to undergraduate students. Lectures, tutorials, Seminars, Demonstrations and practicals are held regularly as per DCI Syllabus.
- We provide fully equipped labs for 100 students, these are regular visits to the medical hospital by the students in order to make them familiar with the patients. The department is providing comprehensive health care through regular OPD, special investigation like Electrocardiography, Echocardiography etc. Diseases such as hypertension DM, infections diseases are looked after.